.. _installation: ************ Installation ************ This page describes the requirements and procedure to be followed to install the RepEx package. .. note:: Pre-requisites.The following are the minimal requirements to install the RepEx package. * python >= 2.7 * virtualenv >= 1.11 * pip >= 1.5 * Password-less ssh login to target cluster The easiest way to install RepEx is to create virtualenv. This way, RepEx and its dependencies can easily be installed in user-space without clashing with potentially incompatible system-wide packages. .. tip:: If the virtualenv command is not available, try the following set of commands: .. parsed-literal:: wget --no-check-certificate https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-1.11.tar.gz tar xzf virtualenv-1.11.tar.gz python virtualenv-1.11/virtualenv.py --system-site-packages $HOME/repex-env/ source $HOME/repex-env/bin/activate **Step 1** : Create and activate virtualenv: .. parsed-literal:: virtualenv $HOME/repex-env/ .. parsed-literal:: source $HOME/repex-env/bin/activate **Step 2** : Install RepEx: .. parsed-literal:: pip install radical.repex If installation was successful, you should be able to print the installed version of RepEx: .. parsed-literal:: repex-version **Installation is complete!**