.. _gettingstarted: *************** Getting Started *************** In this section we will briefly describe how RepEx can be invoked, how input and resource configuration files should be used. Invoking RepEx ============== To run RepEx users need to use a command line tool corresponding to MD package kernel they intend to use. For example, if user wants to use Amber as MD kernel, she would use ``repex-amber`` command line tool. In addition to specifying an appropriate command line tool, user need to specify a resource configuration file and REMD simulation input file. The resulting invocation of RepEx should be: ``repex-amber --input='tuu_remd_ace_ala_nme.json' --rconfig='stampede.json'`` where: ``--input=`` - specifies the REMD simulation input file ``--rconfig=`` - specifies resource configuration file Both REMD simulation input file and resource configuration file must conform to JSON format. Resource configuration file --------------------------- In resource configuration file **must** be provided the following parameters: - ``resource`` - this is the name of the target machine. Currently supported machines are: ``local.localhost`` - your local system ``xsede.stampede`` - Stampede supercomputer at TACC ``xsede.supermic`` - SuperMIC supercomputer at LSU ``xsede.comet`` - Comet supercomputer at SDSC ``xsede.gordon`` - Gordon supercomputer at SDSC ``epsrc.archer`` - Archer supercomputer at EPCC ``ncsa.bw_orte`` - Blue Waters supercomputer at NCSA - ``username`` - your username on the target machine - ``project`` - your allocation on specified machine - ``cores`` - number of cores you would like to allocate - ``runtime`` - for how long you would like to allocate cores on target machine (in minutes). In addition are provided the following **optional** parameters: - ``queue`` - specifies which queue to use for job submission. Values are machine specific. - ``cleanup`` - specifies if files on remote machine must be deleted. Possible values are: ``True`` or ``False`` Example resource configuration file for Stampede supercomputer might look like this: .. parsed-literal:: { "target": { "resource" : "xsede.stampede", "username" : "octocat", "project" : "TG-XYZ123456", "queue" : "development", "runtime" : "30", "cleanup" : "False", "cores" : "16" } } REMD input file for Amber kernel -------------------------------- For use with Amber kernel, in REMD simulation input file **must** be provided the following parameters: - ``re_pattern`` - this parameter specifies Replica Exchange Pattern to use, options are: ``S`` - synchronous and ``A`` - asynchronous - ``exchange`` - this parameter specifies type of REMD simulation, for 1D simulation options are: ``T-REMD``, ``S-REMD`` and ``US-REMD`` - ``number_of_cycles`` - number of cycles for a given simulation - ``number_of_replicas`` - number of replicas to use - ``input_folder`` - path to folder which contains simulation input files - ``input_file_basename`` - base name of generated input/output files - ``amber_input`` - name of input file template - ``amber_parameters`` - name of parameters file - ``amber_coordinates`` - name of coordinates file - ``replica_mpi`` - specifies if ``sander`` or ``sander.MPI`` is used for MD-step. Options are: ``True`` or ``False`` - ``replica_cores`` - number of cores to use for MD-step for each replica, if ``replica_mpi`` is ``False`` this parameters must be equal to ``1`` - ``steps_per_cycle`` - number of simulation time-steps - ``download_mdinfo`` - specifies if Amber .mdinfo files must be downloaded. Options are: ``True`` or ``False``. If this parameter is ommited, value defaults to "True" - ``download_mdout`` - specifies if Amber .mdout files must be downloaded. Options are: ``True`` or ``False``. If this parameter is ommited, value defaults to "True" Optional parameters are specific to each simulation type. Example REMD simulation input file for T-REMD simulation might look like this: .. parsed-literal:: { "remd.input": { "re_pattern": "S", "exchange": "T-REMD", "number_of_cycles": "4", "number_of_replicas": "16", "input_folder": "t_remd_inputs", "input_file_basename": "ace_ala_nme_remd", "amber_input": "ace_ala_nme.mdin", "amber_parameters": "ace_ala_nme.parm7", "amber_coordinates": "ace_ala_nme.inpcrd", "replica_mpi": "False", "replica_cores": "1", "min_temperature": "300", "max_temperature": "600", "steps_per_cycle": "1000", "download_mdinfo": "True", "download_mdout" : "True", } }